Who is the Butterscotch Tabby?










NICKY- The Butterscotch Tabby that inspired the name.

Butterscotch Tabby is written by me, a person that was taught and has been practicing frugality for a lifetime.  My frugality stems back three generations. I have my grandmother’s, my mother’s, and my own money-saving journals dating back to 1920. I keep a journal in my bag at all times and note hints and tips in it every day. Frugality has become a lifelong study for me.

People help other people learn frugality and people love to teach. So, learning how to live this lifestyle without going to extremes is pretty easy. Being thrifty means different things to different people, so start with something easy as your first step. As you go along you’ll find other ways to save money that won’t overwhelm you. If you follow along with this blog you can pick and choose which steps appeal to you and which one’s don’t. Please feel free to comment with your own hints and tips as no idea is too small to mention. Everyone here is happy to hear of any money-saving suggestions you’d like to share.

I also find that manufactures are very willing to send you free samples of their products, especially newly developed products. I share links and reviews of products that I have bought or samples I have received. This helps when you are buying something for the first time. Just because you have a coupon and/or bought it on sale doesn’t mean it’s worth it if you hate it. I don’t care if I got a great deal where I brought a $5.00 item home for 50 cents. If I hate it I just wasted 50 cents. I’d rather not. Check here and see if I’ve already tried the product and my review of it before you buy it. I’m brutally honest about a product and am not afraid to say exactly what my experience was. Maybe I’ll save you even more. Here again, if you’ve tried a product and would like to share your opinion, I welcome it. Leave a comment and I’ll share it, or not, if you prefer. But I’d still like to know what you think. I keep an anonymous list of feedback on products so that I can share a common opinion to keep it fair.

If you have a product you’d like to have reviewed you can send it to me at:

Laurie Spinney

207 Butternut Trail

Wells, ME 04090

Or you can email an online service/product link to me at bobbijospin@yahoo.com for review.

10 thoughts on “Who is the Butterscotch Tabby?

  1. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award, if you are interested in continuing the award, please check it out and pass it on! 🙂 Keep up the blogging!

  2. I LOVE that you call him butterscotch – but I would have named him that and called him Butters for short! LOL Nicky is adorable though and I love his golden buttery eyes too! I am enjoying your blog! have a great weekend!

  3. Thank you Michele! He’s a true one-in-a-lifetime cat. He will let you do ANYTHING to him. He gets dressed up for Halloween, goes shopping to the pet stores and rides in the cart just like a child would. He sports a red hoodie when he goes shopping and even goes though the drive up at Kentucky Fried Chicken which I always go to as a reward for him for being so well behaved. He gets his own chicken tenderloin strip and really looks forward to it. Once I talk into the speaker to order he starts pacing and talking in the car in anticipation of his chicken dinner. He is a riot! We love him so much! Thanks for the comment and the follow! Laurie

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