Coupon Train Logo

As most of you know, Butterscotch Tabby is about living the very best life you can on what you have and can afford.
Anyone interested in joining our coupon train is welcome. I’ll start the train by sending coupons I don’t use to a person on the train, including my address and a short list of coupons I’d like. The person receives the envelope, takes what they want and tries to include coupons that are on someone’s wishlist. The very last person will mail it back to me and hopefully the next time it comes back to you the coupons you listed will be in the envelope by then.
I will include a full detailed sheet in the envelope about who and where you will send your envelope when you’re done with it. It’s fun and exciting when it comes around to you each time when it’s full of your favorite coupons.
Let’s get this kitty rolling down the tracks on our coupon train!!

To join:

Send me your mailing address, some coupons you won’t use (please only non-expired coupons), and a short list of coupons you’d like in return.
Mail to me:
Butterscotch Tabby Coupon Train
207 Butternut Trail
Wells, ME 04090
Once a few people have jumped on the train and sent me their addresses we’ll get this train a movin’. It’ll be fun!


  1. I will also include a copy of the yearly rotating sale chart the stores use so that you can get a double savings on your coupons. Like candy for instance, it goes on sale several months each year on certain months. Hold the coupons for the sale and get more bang for your buck. Candy marked down 50% and a coupon on top of that sale and you might get it free. Now that’s how I get the most of my coupons.

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